PRIMARY STRUCTUREmasterclassThe House of Pragmatism, 2024 LOGIN

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The pragmatic architect is the one who above all makes conventions speak, he who salvages a poetic dimension from the here and now, who is capable of decontextualizing the already-known and of giving it the luster of poetry.

Ábalos, Iñaki. The Good Life: A Guided Visit to the Houses of Modernity. Zürich: Park Books, 2017.

In reality, architectural practice often consists of uniting the most diverse loose fragments.

The choice of building system for example appears to be a matter of economics, a choice of the developer or simply a consequence of the profession of the builder or dependent on the dexterity of the self-builder. The organizational scheme should be based on a loose thumb sketch or on a detailed set of instructions from a social housing company. Laminated beams taken from a recently demolished shed may be the occasion to rethink a project….

As an architect, there is often nothing to do but deal with this pragmatically. To bend the limitations. However, this need not be a disadvantage. On the contrary, it is the heterogeneity of fragments and the stories they carry with them that is the inspiring material for the imagination of the pragmatist.

The fragments that will be built with come from the archive of drawings accumulated in the last 7 years of the primary structure master studio. Hundreds of fragments of analyzed buildings come together in an online atlas from which a random selection of building blocks can be generated for you to work with.

It will be an exercise in typological thinking. To make the fragments your own, learn their rules and see what they are capable of. All manipulations are allowed as long as the different parts together form a meaningful sustainable whole.

We make several studies in which together we change and adapt the rules of the game to explore the different design possibilities at a site of our own choosing.

In groups of two, we choose a project that will eventually be enlarged in maquette, plan, detail and a single image. The end result is a primary structure that emerges from an interplay between the various fragments. The program can but need not be a house. The program is merely an alibi to arrive at a design, a framework of experience

You get a crash course in pragmatic thinking, typological design and we organize three lectures in collaboration with Kunsthal.

Welcome to The House of Pragmatism.



fig A Collage_Robin_1
fig A Collage_Robin_3
fig A Collage_Robin_2
fig A Collage_Margot+Brith_1
fig A Collage_Margot+Brith_2
fig A Collage_1_Mathis_Neel
fig A Collage_2_Mathis_Neel
fig A Collage_3_Mathis_Neel
fig A Collage1_Milena&Morgane
fig A Collage_4_Mathis_Neel
fig A Collage_5_Mathis_Neel
fig A Collage2_Milena&Morgane
fig A Collage3_Milena&Morgane
fig A Collage4_Milena&Morgane
fig A Collage5_Milena&Morgane
fig A collage_3_margot_brith
fig A collage_4_margot_brith
fig A collage_5_margot_brith
fig A Collage_1_Elijah_Kevin
fig A Collage_2_Elijah_Kevin
fig A Collage_3_Elijah_Kevin
fig A Collage_1_Wannes_Louise
fig A Collage_2_Wannes_Louise
fig A Collage_3_Wannes_Louise
fig A Collage_4_Wannes_Louise
fig A Collage_5_Wannes_Louise
fig A Collage_4_Elijah_Kevin
fig A Collage_5_Elijah_Kevin
fig A cantilever?
fig A collages Louis en Alexander
fig A collages Louis en Alexander
fig A Collage_Simon+Jolien_1
fig A Collage_Simon+Jolien_2
fig A Collage 4 Jaron en Michele
fig A Collage_1_Thibaut
fig A Collage_2_Thibaut
fig A Collage_3_Thibaut
fig A Lars_MaxCollage 3
fig A Lars_MaxCollage 4
fig A Lars_MaxCollage 5
fig A Collage 5 Jaron en Michele
fig A Collage_4_Noor_Khava
fig A Collage_5_Noor_Khava
fig A collage_Kato_4
fig A collage_Kato_5
fig A Lars_MaxCollage 1
fig A Collage 1 Noor_Khava
fig A Lars_MaxCollage 2
fig A Collage_2_Noor_Khava
fig A Collage_3_Noor_Khava
fig A collages Louis en Alexander
fig B collages Louis en Alexander
fig C collages Louis en Alexander
fig A Collage1_LaurensPieterjan
fig A Collage2_LaurensPieterjan
fig A Collage3_LaurensPieterjan
fig A Collage5_LaurensPieterjan
fig A Collage_Simon+Jolien_3
fig A Collage_Simon+Jolien_4
fig A Collage_Simon+Jolien_5
fig A Collage4_LaurensPieterjan
fig A a construction?
fig A collage 2
fig A Collages
fig B Collages
fig C Collages
fig D Collages
fig E Collages