PRIMARY STRUCTURE SITE VISIT °2 Location: Vaartkom, Leuven, This new project situated along the Vaartkom in Leuven, will house 3 different organisations (A hall with climbing wall, a car garage and a liquor store). The structure consists of prefabricated concrete columns and beams on the floor level. On the first floor concrete columns were combinated with steel trusses. For the floor they used prefabricated vaults.posted by Lars Nowé at 15.03.17 in Gent, 2017 LOGIN
fig 17A, photo, On top you can see the combination of the concrete columns with the steel trusses.
fig 17B, photo, Prefabricated concrete elements fits perfectly in each other.
fig 17C, photo, The holes in the beams are made to put ducts through them.
fig 17D, photo, Prefabricated concrete elements fits perfectly in each other.
fig 17E, photo, Prefabricated beams and columns with on top the prefabricated vaults.
fig 17F, photo, The structure is filled up with brick between the columns.
fig 17G, photo, The prefabricated vaults.
fig 17H, photo, Against the primary structure, facade elements are fixed.

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